Tuesday, March 24, 2009


i just wanted to say that.....

i luv blaine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Taylr wrote that.... she has problems..

Hurray for Blaine.ha

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Since Taylr found that pic of an awesome Blaine I was just on PB and I found these.
It so looks like Blaine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (go from the bottom up)
1st one- totally like Blaine in a kimono
2nd- minus the wearing of the cross totally like Blaine!
3rd- BLIANe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4th- enter the purple!!!!
5th- Ok the 5th one is kind of freaky, but you know it looks demonic, powerful, and intimidating. So it could defintely be Blaine...Except for the mustache.... no mustache.
6th- The 6th one is like what Taylr would call sexy... I don't know about that.
7th- ok, again. Minus the cross and the baby face features, Totally Blaine.
I am seriously hyperventilating right now.
8th- minus the white streak and the absence of a shirt totally Blaine!!!!!!!!
9th- ok, I don't know about this one but it just strikes me as BLAINe!
10th- OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was really hyped to find the final tenth pic and when I saw this one I screamed, Blaine and ET came running in and Blaine just left when he saw which blog I was on. Anyway, this one was titled Vampire when I found it, so unless there are stalkers out there then.... weird.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Blaine is back!!!!!!!!!

Blaine came back yesterday!!!!!!!!
Magick told me not to freak out, but when I saw him I totally hugged him. Magick was all like, "Why didn't I get a hug?" then I offered him a hug but he left to go pray.
Then Blaine got sleepy because of jet lag which was weird becasue he doesn't sleep.
So I did my science hmwrk while he told me the answers really fast.
Then when i got to school and told Taylr she freaked and it was really funny. Poor girl
Well I gots to go, the librarian is circling us lke a hyena.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Conversations concerning Blaine or have somethingto do with him

Bridget: So is he real,can you like... touch him?"
Taylr: I don't think he would like that.

Blaine: Are you insane?
Fang: No...partially, maybe, I don't know, who cares?

Fang: No! Give me my circle of tape. I can see you laughing!
Taylr: Blaine can see you, HE CAN SEE YOU!

Taylr: How's it going in 'Blaine world?'

Fang: It's off.
Anju: Has Blaine gone to invade someone else's privacy?

Blaine: No!
Fang: Well for glob's sake!
Blaine: Stop saying glob.
Fang: I like saying glob.

Blaine: I order you!
Fang: I mimic you!

(Fang yawns)
Anju: You can't breath fire.
Blaine: I can change that.

Fang: I will tie Blaine to a truck and send that truck to your house!
Taylr: Oh! And you could put a dead person in the front seat and strap their foot to the gas peddle.

(Magick {a very religious boy} makes cross sign and hits Blaine on the head with holy water)
Magick: Hammer of God!
(Blaine attacks him and breaks through a wall)
Scottie: I bet three bucks on Blaine.
Et(not from the movie, ET is his nickname): That's because you only have three bucks.

Taylr: Arguing through Fang with Blaine.

Fang: He sits in his car... and listens to your thoughts.
Taylr: He does , like, the Spok thing.

Taylr: Stare skeptically at walls {if you are wondering why this has something to do with Blaine. It's because he could be in your thoughts right now... ow)

Fang: We will hear 'BANG BANG *profound words* BANG... "Shut up Blaine."' And people will bo looking around and we will be laughing.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Exploding sqirrels

I was wondering if I should tittle the blog like that.
Anywho, Blaine will kill me when he sees.... nevermind. He's standing right behind me with his hand on my shoulder. I am very scared.
ANyway for those of you who know Blaine (or stalk him in Shananananon's case) will know that he is a vampire, genius, hitman, and lives in my attic. I think It suits him.And so does he. Theres an old couch up there and he seems to have installed some kind of high tech crap. You know the kind with cameras and microphones that make people feel like not moving. You don't know that feeling. Well I do. And so does Scottie. Or anyother person that messes with Blaine.
He's about... 6'3 and has long (down to his middle back) black hair with a hint of purple. he like exploding squirrels as 'lab projects' and kicking Scotties ass.
Luckily Scottie is in Europe (or sao i've been told) and connot do enything about me writing this.