Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Conversations concerning Blaine or have somethingto do with him

Bridget: So is he real,can you like... touch him?"
Taylr: I don't think he would like that.

Blaine: Are you insane?
Fang: No...partially, maybe, I don't know, who cares?

Fang: No! Give me my circle of tape. I can see you laughing!
Taylr: Blaine can see you, HE CAN SEE YOU!

Taylr: How's it going in 'Blaine world?'

Fang: It's off.
Anju: Has Blaine gone to invade someone else's privacy?

Blaine: No!
Fang: Well for glob's sake!
Blaine: Stop saying glob.
Fang: I like saying glob.

Blaine: I order you!
Fang: I mimic you!

(Fang yawns)
Anju: You can't breath fire.
Blaine: I can change that.

Fang: I will tie Blaine to a truck and send that truck to your house!
Taylr: Oh! And you could put a dead person in the front seat and strap their foot to the gas peddle.

(Magick {a very religious boy} makes cross sign and hits Blaine on the head with holy water)
Magick: Hammer of God!
(Blaine attacks him and breaks through a wall)
Scottie: I bet three bucks on Blaine.
Et(not from the movie, ET is his nickname): That's because you only have three bucks.

Taylr: Arguing through Fang with Blaine.

Fang: He sits in his car... and listens to your thoughts.
Taylr: He does , like, the Spok thing.

Taylr: Stare skeptically at walls {if you are wondering why this has something to do with Blaine. It's because he could be in your thoughts right now... ow)

Fang: We will hear 'BANG BANG *profound words* BANG... "Shut up Blaine."' And people will bo looking around and we will be laughing.

1 shout outs:

Shanon Peckham said...

i like it. check ur email. jus for blaine, i put the rest of the story on there...well most of it like i sed. the good part is for latr...